Is Celery Juice Healthy? All You Need to Know

Celery juice is exactly what it sounds like – the juice from celery stalks. It is mainly water, but also provides many minerals, nutrients and antioxidants that provide possible health benefits. What is in Celery Juice It takes about 6 medium stalks of celery to produce 8 fluid ounces of celery juice. According to the […]
Does Ashwagandha Make You Smart and Happy?

Ashwagandha is an herb used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine that has gained a lot of popularity in the western world. Although it has been used for thousands of years in India, it has only recently been under scientific investigation. Ashwagandha is known for promoting physical and mental health as well as increasing longevity and a […]
How to Choose High Quality Vitamins and Supplements

We can find vitamins and supplement in almost every store and we see them being promoted everywhere online. But what is the difference between vitamins and supplements? Do we need them? Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients, and our bodies need them to maintain healthy bodily functions. We should gather the majority of our […]